from whales to ants
moving out of whale season
and the rain has started to pour
the rain's are falling
and white ants are rising
from the ground below
there are a thousand
on the window
attracted by the light
inside from the night
some words
When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you.
Lao Tzu
Chernobyl - Environmental Stress - FUKUSHIMA
Environmental Stress ー One Decade After Chernobyl (1986)
An Exercise In Applied Ecopsychology
An Exercise In Applied Ecopsychology
The following is excerpted from the proceedings of an international conference sponsored by the United Nations and other bodies held in Vienna during April 1996. | (The principal author of this part of the report is Professor Terrance Lee, School of Psychology, University of St. Andrew's, St. Andrew's, Fife, in the United Kingdom. |
ABSTRACT Environmental Stress Reactions Following the Chernobyl Accident. |
The widespread ![]() The International Chernobyl Project study was conducted by the International Advisory Committee in 1990 and published by the IAEA in 1991. The study found significant differences between "contaminated" and "clean" areas for symptoms attributable to stress. Forty-five percent (30 percent in "clean" areas) of the people believed that they had an illness due to radiation exposure. The level of general health was found to be low and almost all ailments were attributed by the population to radiation. These effects (confirmed by other studies) were compounded by poor public understanding of radiation, initial secrecy, subsequent lack of effective ![]() A large-scale survey has compared stress effects in "restricted," "non-restricted" (but geographically close), "resettlement" and control areas. Positive differences were found between the distant control sites (surveyed for comparative purposes) and other sites, but differences between "restricted" and "non-restricted" were small. "Resettlement" areas were no better and, on some criteria, worse. Many respondents believed that they had received a dangerous dose of radiation and that their personal health had been damaged. Other studies question the effectiveness of resettlement as a countermeasure. Neither women nor the elderly show any net benefit and only in Russia is there an overall reduction in stress. |
![]() The allocation of the prototypical public reaction to a correct diagnostic category is an obvious first step in planning future countermeasures. ![]() |
![]() The purpose of this paper is to review the nature and extent of damage to the psychosocial well-being of the populations exposed to the Chernobyl accident; to diagnose the public's reaction by placing it in context with similar events in the past; and to consider the effects of three main countermeasures. These are: food controls, resettlement, and community action. A severe obstacle to the clarification of these issues lies in the difficulty of defining the "contaminated" or "affected" areas. These extend well beyond the territories officially designated as contaminated. This is because people are aware of the great irregularity in the pattern of deposition; of the arbitrary nature of the threshold values; of the fact that averages are computed from fairly sparse measurements; and that areas identified by different authorities do not precisely coincide. In any case, they deeply distrust the authorities, are ![]() Hence, people in many areas with essentially no radioactive contamination due to the accident are nonetheless affected, albeit to a lesser extent, by the fear of it. The direct physical health effects on those living in "contaminated" areas are naturally disturbing when considered in absolute terms, but even the direct effects (i.e. thyroid cancers, which are mainly non-fatal), when seen relative to the overall health statistics of the three countries, can hardly justify the extremely high levels of public pessimism and anxiety. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, "There has been no increase in leukaemia, congenital abnormalities, adverse pregnancy outcomes or any other radiation induced disease". The physical effects certainly pale into insignificance when compared, for example, with deaths from lung cancer arising from radon gas or diseases and deaths from industrial pollution. |
It is one hundred years since the discovery of the phenomenon of radioactivity ![]() ![]() The second alternative is to increase people's sense of control. As already mentioned, three specific countermeasures offering this potential are briefly reviewed in this Background Paper. They are voluntary food controls, resettlement and community action. (Medical procedures to counter any direct health effects of radiation will also increase the sense of control, but their discussion is left to other delegates.) Thirdly, the most obvious means of providing perceived control over a stressor is by diffusion of knowledge that changes the way in which it is perceived. This issue is also discussed. One final issue to be considered is that of diagnosis, It should be helpful to compare the pattern of public reaction to the Chernobyl accident with those to similar stressful events in the past. If there are consistencies, this should help with prognosis and with the evaluation of alternative countermeasures. |
II. CONCLUSIONS 1. Expert Consensus Little disagreement has been evident in the various research studies reported in this paper; they tend to reinforce and supplement each other. There is a general consensus between psychiatrists, psychologists and sociologists that the physical and mental effects of stress are the main issue. This consensus extends to ![]() 2. Speculation and Myths Outside the scientific community, there appears to have been almost no limit to the speculation and evocation of myths by the media. It has been argued elsewhere that there is a pervasive dread of nuclear energy, which originates from its close association with the atom bomb and nuclear warfare; also, by virtue of some of the general characteristics of the hazard, ![]() It is now widely accepted that the media do not generate these anxieties, but exploit them because they attract readership. There follows a process of "social amplification" as the public reacts to dramatic reporting with increased anxiety, which in turn stimulates further media promotion. Apart from wild and unsubstantiated reports of "thousands of cancer deaths," the media has specialized in photographs of children suffering from leukaemia, with the distinctive baldness of chemotherapy; also of elderly people still living in the exclusion zone and apparently suffering from terminal illness. Another favorite media image is of the children of Chernobyl enjoying the benefits of summer camp type holidays in countries abroad in order to relieve the symptoms of illness which, it is implied, afflict them. The children selected by photographers are unlikely to be the most robust ones. |
3. Open Questions In summarizing briefly the prospects for different supposed countermeasures, it ![]() By depleting the available financial resources for other countermeasures, the problem has been further compounded. The use of the supposed countermeasure of compensation, as with resettlement, has probably exacerbated the situation further by officially signalling to many people that their health is in serious danger when their risk is well within the normal range for radiation due to natural sources. As mentioned above, resettlement has failed so far to produce significant improvements in the sense of ![]() This anxiety may be justified, so far as the effects of prior exposure are concerned, but it does not apply to cumulative, lifetime exposure. A vigorous educational campaign addressed to the resettlement ![]() To resolve this, there is a clear need to monitor the health of a substantial sample of resettled peoples over, say, a five year period to assess the rate at which symptoms of stress subside and genuine rehabilitation occurs. This would provide a basis for extrapolation for comparison with radiation dose-response calculations. A strong case for community action has been made already in this paper and is re-emphasized here. Again, there is compelling evidence in the literature that social support from family, friends or community relieves stress. The best future prospects for this would appear to lie with UNESCO's "Centers of Trust". They appear to be tried and tested and the model is adaptable to local needs and circumstances. However, their importance is such that more systematic evidence of their effectiveness in relieving stress would be welcome. Arrangements are being made for peer review of the Centers and it is understood that some relevant survey evidence is currently being analyzed. |
4. Stress and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder For a better model, the evidence presented here strongly indicates that we ![]() The concept of stress is not a vague repository to which all ills that cannot be attributed to familiar diseases are consigned. Stress is directly measurable by a variety of physiological indices that have reliably been shown to be closely associated (in a dose-response relationship!) with adverse circumstances and events. The main agencies are the autonomic nervous system, which becomes dysfunctional under prolonged or intense emotional arousal, and the endocrinological system. Their engagement can be measured through changes at the cardiovascular level, by neural activity through the electroencephalograph; through skin conductance, through the sodium content of saliva and, perhaps most reliably, by chemical assays of the catecholamines of cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine. These can be taken from blood or urine samples; in the research studies following the Three Mile Island accident in the United States, it was found, when the ![]() Nonetheless, it is more usual to diagnose and measure stress in a clinical setting from reported symptoms such as anxiety, depression, disturbed sleep patterns, psychosomatic illness, aggression, suicide or attempted suicide, apathy ("learned helplessness"), family discord and, of course, by the recourse to such palliatives as drugs and alcohol. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the existing formal categorization which, at first sight, most closely appears to fit the Chernobyl case. This category has become widely recognized and formally classified as an illness by the American Psychiatric Association in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-Ill-R). PTSD is a syndrome that originates from situations where people are closely involved in a specific catastrophe, for example fire, explosion, earthquake or battle situations, which are so far from normal human experience that they provoke an extreme emotional response. The effects on the memory of this experience, combined with the secondary reactions mediated through the body systems, vary in severity and duration according to the closeness to the accident and the passage of time. Hence, those who were working at the Chernobyl plant or nearby at the time, and who witnessed the fire and explosion, would certainly fit the now classical PTSD pattern. |
However, away from the plant, most did not directly experience the event, but only received rumors of it from a variety of sources. They found it hard to come up with its true meaning until, perhaps, they ![]() Insofar as intrusive recollections of the accident itself and avoidance symptoms are dominant features of the classic PTSD syndrome, this diagnostic category is clearly inappropriate for the large majority of those exposed to Chernobyl. The typical chronic Chernobyl reaction includes only relatively few of the other ![]() Given that there have been a number of similar, if much less serious environmental threats or accidents, a new categorization would seem appropriate to resolve this dilemma. Some researchers have already recognized the need to identify a category that is similar to but distinguishable from PTSD. "Informed of Radioactive Contamination Syndrome" has been suggested. However, this would seem unnecessarily restrictive. Accidents involving a continuing awareness of chemical pollution of the soil, contamination of water supplies, seepage from a landfill site, the threat of flooding, radon gas, the discovery that roads had been sprayed with dioxin tar, even the belief that electromagnetic fields due to power lines or substations are damaging to health -- all present similar chronic threats with diffuse origins that ![]() |
![]() The following colleagues, from each of the three affected countries, provided helpful support and information for this paper but are not responsible for the opinions expressed or the conclusions reached. G.M. Rumyantseva, Serbsky Scientific Research Institute for General and Forensic Psychiatry, Moscow; A. Nyagu, Ukrainian Centre of Radiation Medicine, Ukrainian Academy of Science, Kiev, Ukraine; L.A. Ageeva, Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Institute of Sociology, Minsk, Belarus. |
the whole face of reality
so amazing - green flying - ocean lapping on warm beach, rocks warming and sun shining and fish they're swimming in the shallow blue and the journey to this moment full of jungle and mountain climbs and old remnants of soldiers' hidden settlements from decades before and doorways to underground doorways cut deeps into mountains. Labyrinths where who knows what lies within, and as yet, not ventured into these holes where pitch black comes after the first second.
Back to the beach here - I have a fishing rod with a squid lure. An analogue SLR. A glass bottle of water. The sun's lowering in the sky and glimpses of summer are magically changing the whole face of reality.
Law of Mother Earth - Bolivia
Right to life and to exist.
Right to be respected.
Right to continue her vital cycles and processes free from human alteration.
Right to maintain her identity and integrity as a self-regulating, interrelated and differentiated being.
Right to pure water as a source of life.
Right to clean air.
Right to a healthy environment.
Right to not be polluted and contaminated with toxic and radioactive waste.
Right to not have her cellular structure modified or be genetically altered.
This would threaten her vital and healthy
This would threaten her vital and healthy
functioning and integrity.
Right to full and immediate restoration and decontamination due to human activity.
Right to be reforested.
Right to ensure the responsible and sustainable management of nature’s blessings.
Right to not be affected by mega infrastructure and development projects that affect the balance of ecosystems and
the local inhabitant communities.
Guarantee the coexistence and preservation of life.
Restore, strengthen and revalue ancestral knowledge, values, sciences, technology, and principles to care for Mother
Earth from a perspective of cultural diversity.
Establish legal instruments and mechanisms for the prevention and sanction of crimes against Mother Earth.
Conserve, protect and defend protected areas, sacred areas, forests, and areas of ecological fragility. This shall be done
through public policies, plans, programmes and projects to apply the model of Living Well.
Guarantee and implement adequate public policies in harmony with nature. These policies shall respect and apply the
rules and procedures of native Bolivians to conserve the strategic blessings of nature such as: water, air, soil, subsoil,
forests, jungles, biodiversity, and all physical elements and forces that ensure the application of the model of Living Well.
see more here
“A human being is a part of a whole, called by us ‘universe’, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.“
new art
A friend's old and battered board was heading to the trash, but ding repairs later and now all colourful and bright, it's gonna give a local youngster his first ocean wave riding experience. ;-)
Was also used as a banner for the ONELIFE stand at the recent tsunami fundraising event.
ONELIFE's info is written in Japanese, but if you're interested, check out their homepage or their blog.
Give a man a fish, feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish, feed him for life.
Lao Tzu
where's the radioactive water gonna end up?
Japan Ocean Currents Would Steer Dumped Radioactive Water
By Jim Andrews, Senior Meteorologist
Apr 4, 2011; 4:25 PM ET
The release of water would take place at the site, location on the northeast coast of Honshu, the main island of Japan.
Reports said that a device known as an "underwater silt fence" set up outside a drainage outlet near the Number 2 reactor would be used in an attempt to limit environment impact.
The damaged Number 2 reactor has already been leaking toxic water, though the exact source and path of the leak has not been found.
The silt fence was described as hanging from a float. Ideally, it would reach the floor of the ocean. Reports said it would not fully prevent the flow of contaminated water to the sea itself.

Any radioactive water escaping confinement will be subjected to the pull of ocean currents. Off northeastern Honshu, the foremost current is the southward-flowing Oyashio. This current normally drifts southward to nearly Choshi, on Cape Inubo. Choshi is located about 60 miles east of Tokyo.
Off Cape Inubo, flow of the Oyashio gets shunted eastward by the more powerful Kuroshio, a major current flowing eastward south of Japan, heading for the open Pacific Ocean.
Whatever the consequences stemming from the dumping of the radioactive water, they should be greatest near and immediately down flow of the nuclear plant. The overwhelming volume of ocean water would increasing dilute the contaminated water with distance from the point of release, eventually lowering to radiation levels to those not far from the natural background.
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